All Zookestras are charged at the same rate as a Ukestra.
We've got Zookestra and special courses going. Click on the light blue for Zookestra and the green button for upcoming special courses such as Improvisation 1, 2 and 3.
... or ... when COVID kicks us back inside, join our zookestras (Ukulele groups for everyone, regardless of geography)
Each Zookestra features:
- Playing songs together that we know, and that we don't know (yet). Before each session we post a page of downloadable/printable resources and repertoire.
- BreakOut rooms - during the session we break into smaller groups lead by informed, skilled and grounded teachers.
- Mark and Jane (and guests) playing uke, bass and and harmonising from their lounge room.
- You joining in from your home. All participants are muted (unless you have a question, contribution, or (sparingly) a solo - eek!
- Light instruction given prior to playing each song - riffs, theory, strumming and picking patterns. BreakOut groups allow us to give more detailed instruction and (live) feedback.
- Advice provided (where possible) as we can watch your fingers (and happiness) at home.
- Chat time (at half time, and before and after if you choose). Stay in touch with friends. Make new ones.
- The most productive, cost effective, and fun ukulele lessons in the world. ***
*** claim not able to be verified by relevant authorities.